Ravensbrück, de daders-9.
Schwarzhuber, Johann. SS-bewaker. Born 9 August 1904, executed 3 May 1947, was a German SS-Obersturmführer, who was in charge of various subcamps during World War II. His positions included the Schutzhaftlagerführer of the Auschwitz-Birkenau men's camp, where he oversaw the selection process for the gassing of thousands of detainees. He was later transferred to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, where he held the post of the Lagerdirektor, second only to the overall camp commander Fritz Suhren. With Suhren on the run, Schwarzhuber was the highest-ranking defendant during the first Ravensbrück trial. In front of the British military tribunal he was indicted for war crimes, sentenced to death and subsequently executed in 1947. Schwarzhuber was born on 29 August 1904 in Tutzing, at this time part of the Kingdom of Bavaria in the German Empire. He trained as a printer and married his wife in 1936, with whom he fathered two children. As an early supporter during the rise of Nazism he joined the NSDAP and the SS in 1933. By 1935 he was trained for the position as block leader in the Dachau concentration camp. At the outbreak of World War II he was transferred to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he acted as commander of the Klinkerwerk sub-camp.
In September 1941 Schwarzhuber was again reassigned and moved to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. As a Lagerführer, he was responsible for several inmate blocks and regularly mingled with the prisoners. He was regularly drunk at work and built up relationships with some of the Kapos. Nevertheless, he fulfilled his job dutifully as overseer of parts of the extermination camp. In November 1943 he was promoted to Schutzhaftlagerführer and took over the command of the Auschwitz men's camp. In this position he was also responsible for the selection process, which determined who was sent to the work camps and which prisoners were sent to the gas chambers. Thousands of inmates who were chosen by Schwarzhuber during this process were immediately killed. However, there were also a few instances of him pulling out non-eligible groups of inmates from the 'gas-queue' and 'protecting' them by putting them into the regular men's prison camp. In November 1944 he returned to Dachau, now in charge of several sub-camps of the Kaufering concentration camp complex. This tenure did not last long, and he received his final deployment to the Ravensbrück concentration camp in January 1945. In Ravensbrück, Schwarzhuber was directly responsible for the women's camp. With almost all of the Ravensbrück inmates being women, Schwarzhuber effectively commanded the entire complex, second only to overall camp leader Fritz Suhren. The camp was overcrowded; sanitation and food supply were insufficient. Many people froze to death due a lack of clothing and heating. To combat the overcrowding, daily executions of about 50 inmates were ordered at the start of 1945. The killings were so cruel, that several camp deputies refused to oversee the murders until Schwarzhuber took over and the executions proceeded uneventfully. Ravensbrück was initially not intended to be an extermination camp, but during the last months of the war, deaths spiked massively. Thousands of women were killed in a newly built provisional gas chamber, coinciding with Schwarzhuber's arrival in the camp. The Ravensbrück camp was captured by the British Army in April 1945 and Schwarzhuber was detained. The British launched a series of trials against the camp personnel starting in December 1945. With the main camp leader Fritz Suhren having fled, Schwarzhuber was the highest-ranking official indicted during the trial. He pleaded 'not guilty' and claimed to have attended only one mass execution in the camp, when 150 women were gassed at once in the chamber. It is not clear who gave the order to start mass executions in Ravensbrück-whether it was Suhren as overall commander or even Heinrich Himmler personally-but with Schwarzhuber in charge of the women's camp, significant responsibility nevertheless fell on him as deputy commander. Schwarzhuber was found guilty and subsequently sentenced to death. The execution was carried out on 3 May 1947. Bron: Wikipedia.

Kamp, Carla. Secretaresse.

Neudeck, Ruth. SS-bewaakster. Was a Schutzstaffel (SS) supervisor at a Nazi concentration camp complex from December 1944 until March 1945. She was executed for war crimes. was a Schutzstaffel (SS) supervisor at a Nazi concentration camp complex from December 1944 until March 1945. She was executed for war crimes. Ruth Closius was born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland). She later married and was known as Ruth Neudeck or Ruth Closius-Neudeck. In July 1944, she arrived at the Ravensbrück concentration camp to begin her training to be a camp guard. Neudeck soon began impressing her superiors with her unbending brutality towards the female prisoners, resulting in her promotion to the rank of Blockführerin (Barrack Overseer) in late July 1944. In the Ravensbrück camp, she was known as one of the most ruthless female guards. Former French prisoner Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz commented after the war that she had seen Neudeck "cut the throat of an inmate with the sharp edge of her shovel". In December 1944, she was promoted to the rank of Oberaufseherin, and moved to the Uckermark extermination complex down the road from Ravensbrück. There she involved herself in the selection and execution of over 5,000 women and children. The prisoners were mistreated by Neudeck or her fellow SS Aufseherinnen. In March 1945, Neudeck became head of the Barth subcamp. In late April 1945, she fled the camp but was later captured and detained in prison while the British Army investigated the allegations against her. In April 1948, she stood accused at the third Ravensbrück Trial, along with other Schutzstaffel (SS) women. The 28-year-old former SS supervisor admitted to the accusations of murder and maltreatment made against her. The British court found Neudeck guilty of war crimes and sentenced her to death by hanging. On 29 July 1948, she was executed by British executioner Albert Pierrepoint on the gallows at Hamelin prison. Bron: Wikipedia.

Köhler, Frans. Kapo. Was een Slowaak, Rapp (van wie de voornaam nooit wordt genoemd) een Joegoslaaf. Na de oorlog zijn ze allebei verdwenen. 6 - WO 235/318.

Rapp. Kapo. Van wie de voornaam nooit wordt genoemd) een Joegoslaaf. Na de oorlog zijn ze allebei verdwenen. 6 - WO 235/318.

Buchmann, Erika. Kapo.  Geboren 19. November 1902 in München; gestorben 19. November 1971 in Ost-Berlin) war eine deutsche Politikerin. Erika Buchmann wurde als Erika Schollenbruch in München geboren. Ihr Vater Rudolf Schollenbruch war Arzt und in der SPD aktiv. Während der bayerischen Räterepublik wurde er zum Minister für Gesundheitswesen ernannt. Nach der Gründung der KPD traten er und seine Frau dieser Partei bei. Die Tochter Erika trat dem Kommunistischen Jugendverband (KJVD) bei. Sie war auch in der Münchener Parteiorganisation tätig, nachdem sie vorher als Stenotypistin in der Redaktion der USPD-Zeitung Der Kampf gearbeitet hatte. Später arbeitete sie als Sekretärin in der KPD-Landtagsfraktion in München und war Frauenleiterin des KPD-Landessekretariats Südbayern. Vor 1933 arbeitete die Kommunistin und spätere Reichstagsabgeordnete Franziska Kessel in ihrem Haushalt als Dienst- und Kindermädchen. Zu Beginn des NS-Regimes lebte sie in Korntal bei Ludwigsburg. Sie war mit dem ehemaligen KPD-Reichstagsabgeordneten Albert Buchmann verheiratet. 1933 wurde ihr Mann verhaftet, 1935 erlitt Erika Buchmann dasselbe Schicksal. Sie wurde zu dreieinhalb Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Nachdem sie diese Haftstrafe abgesessen hatte, brachte man sie ins Frauen-KZ Ravensbrück in Mecklenburg, aus dem sie 1940 wieder entlassen wurde. 1941 wurde sie erneut in das KZ Ravensbrück eingeliefert, wo sie bis zur Befreiung am 30. April 1945 verblieb. Ihre Erlebnisse in Ravensbrück hat sie nach dem Krieg in den Büchern Frauen im Konzentrationslager und Die Frauen von Ravensbrück verarbeitet. Die Erinnerung an die Konzentrationslager hoch zu halten, war ihr ein Anliegen. Nach dem Krieg arbeitete sie am politischen Neubeginn mit. Von 1945 bis 1949 war sie Gemeinderätin in Stuttgart. Außerdem gehörte sie der Verfassungsgebenden Landesversammlung an und war im ersten Landtag von Baden-Württemberg Landtagsabgeordnete für die KPD. Als 1956 vom Bundesverfassungsgericht das KPD-Verbot ausgesprochen wurde, siedelte sie in die damalige DDR über. Bron: Wikipedia.

Majkowka-Kruszynska, Jozefa.

Salvequart, Vera. Kapo dr.  Born 26 November 1919, hanged 26 June 1947, was a Sudeten German nurse and kapo at Ravensbrück concentration camp from December 1944 to 1945. She was executed in 1947 following the Ravensbrück Trials. Born in Czechoslovakia in 1919, she moved to Germany sometime afterwards. She was first arrested in 1941 for having a relationship with a Jewish man and for refusing to divulge his whereabouts to the Gestapo. She served 10 months in a prison in Flossenbürg concentration camp for that, and then in 1942, she was again arrested for another relationship with a Jew and served another two years in prison. On December 6, 1944, she was arrested on charges of helping five detained officers escape, and was then sent to Ravensbrück, which had become a death camp for female prisoners at that point in the war. Due to a shortage of personnel the SS frequently used German prisoners to supervise other inmates, and Vera was among those chosen to serve, likely due to her pre-war training as a nurse. She served in the camp's medical wing as a nurse during her stay, and oversaw the gassing of thousands of women. Vera's job was to fill out death certificates for the dead, and inspect their cadavers for gold teeth, which were kept to finance the war effort.
By February 1945, she was reportedly taking a more active role in the killings; now she was poisoning the sickly in the medical wing to avoid the effort of having to transport them to the gas chambers. Though former prisoners testified about this active role, Vera herself would only confess to her earlier duties filling out death certificates at her trial. After Ravensbrück was liberated by the Soviet Union in April 1945, Vera was captured, as well as the others who had served there, and held for military trials dubbed the Ravensbrück Trials. The trials described her position at Ravensbrück at that of a kapo. At the trials, Vera went on record stating: I remember that the sick had no trust in the beginning because they thought that I took part in the mass murdering. I must say that in their place, I would have had the same impression. I was locked up without interruption, couldn't go anywhere alone, and all they knew about me was that I lived there where they murdered so many people. Additionally, the prisoners saw when I entered the washroom in the case of Schikovsky; they heard the woman scream and therefore assumed that I was part of the murder. In her own defense, she claimed that she had acted in a benevolent fashion towards the prisoners, and described how she saved some women and children from death by substituting their camp identification number with that of those already dead. She claimed to have kept one infant hidden and had male prisoners bring food and milk for him. For suspected insubordination, she claimed, the SS had threatened to send her to the gas chambers herself, until several male prisoners who appreciated what she did, disguised her as a male prisoner; a guise she kept up until the end of the war at which point the allies found her en route to a camp for released prisoners. Salvequart also claimed that one of her lovers was a British spy. She appealed for clemency on the basis of having stolen schematics for the V-2 rockets being produced at the camp prior to 1944, hoping to smuggle it to the British; she was granted a temporary reprieve while this was taken into consideration. However, clemency was denied, and on 26 June 1947 she was hanged by Albert Pierrepoint on the gallows at Hamelin prison Prison, aged 27 years. Other sources give differing dates of death: May 2 and June.  Shortly afterwards, her body was buried with the other executed war criminals at Wehl Cemetery in Hameln.

Haake, Martha. Bewaakster-verpleegster. Geboren 19. Mai 1915 in Frankfurt (Oder); † unbekannt) war Aufseherin und Krankenschwester im KZ Ravensbrück. Martha Haake, gelernte Krankenschwester, war ab 1940 Mitglied im Reichsbund deutscher Schwestern. Nach dem Dienst in mehreren Krankenhäusern wurde Haake am 1. August 1943 als Krankenschwester in das KZ Ravensbrück versetzt. Dort arbeitete sie als Oberschwester in dem neu eingerichteten Block 9, in dem Chirurgiepatientinnen lagen. Ab Herbst 1944 fungierte sie als Oberschwester in den Blöcken 7 und 8. Sie soll auf Anweisung des Arztes Richard Trommer Mitte Januar 1945 eine Häftlingskrankenschwester beauftragt haben, Patientinnen im Block 10, die an Schlaflosigkeit litten, Veronal zu verabreichen. Eigenen Aussagen zufolge konnte sie über darauffolgende Todesfälle keine Angaben machen, da sie am nächsten Tag erkrankt sei. Nach Kriegsende wurde Haake im Hamburger „Curiohaus“ vor einem britischen Militärgericht im vierten Ravensbrück-Prozess wegen der Misshandlung und Tötung von alliierten Staatsangehörigen angeklagt und wegen Misshandlung von alliierten Häftlingsfrauen zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt. Die Bestätigung dieses Urteils erfolgte am 3. Juli 1948. Martha Haake wurde am 1. Januar 1951 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen. Über ihren weiteren Lebensweg ist nichts bekannt.

Schultz, Konrad. SS Scharführer, lid executie peleton.

Winkelmann, Adolf. SS-arts. (1887-1947), German physician of the Ravensbrück Nazi concentration camp. Died during the trial on February 1, 1947. Date of Birth: 26.03.1887. Place of Birth:? NSDAP No: 3101530. SS No: 109112.
SS Rank: Hauptsturmführer. Division/Branch/Arm of SS Org: WVHA.
Doctor of Medicine Winkelmann arrived at Ravensbrück KZ from Auschwitz KZ on the 12th January 1945 after the latter had been evacuated. He had travelled to Ravensbrück with Johann Schwarzhuber.There he caused the deaths of Allied nationals. He died of a heart attack whilst awaiting trial by a British Military Tribunal in Hamburg on 01.02.1947.

Lanckoronska, Karolina.   Countess Karolina Maria Adelajda Franciszka Ksawera Malgorzata Edina Lanckoronska, Born Gars am Kamp, Lower Austria, 11 August 1898, died 25 August 2002, Rome, Italy.  Was a Polish noble, World War II resistance fighter, and historian. Lanckoronska bequeathed her family's enormous art collection to Poland only after her homeland became free from communism and Soviet domination during the Revolutions of 1989. The Lanckoronski Collection may now for the most part be seen in Warsaw's Royal Castle and Kraków's Wawel Castle. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Karolina Lanckoronska was the daughter of Count Karol Lanckoronski, a Polish nobleman from a Galician family, and his third wife, Countess Margaret Lichnovsky, daughter of Prince Karl Max Lichnowsky. Reared and educated in Vienna (capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, of which much of partitioned Poland was a part), where she attended university. She lived at her family's palace, the Palais Lanckoronski. After Poland regained independence in 1918, Lanckoronska taught at Lwów University. She earned her PhD in History of Art in 1934, habilitated in 1936 by Poland's Ministry of Education. Following the invasion of Poland, including Lwów, by the Soviet Red Army along with the attack on Poland by Nazi Germany in September 1939, she witnessed at first hand the terror and atrocities committed by the Soviets and Nazis, which she later described in her War Memoirs. Lanckoronska was active in the Polish resistance and was arrested, interrogated, tortured, tried and sentenced to death at Stanislawów prison. During her stay there, the local Gestapo chief Hans Krüger, confessed to her that he had murdered 23 Lwów University professors, a war crime that she made it her mission to publicize. Thanks to her family connections, Lanckoronska was not executed but was instead sent to the Ravensbrück concentration camp for women. She somehow survived and, immediately after release in 1945, wrote her war memoirs. After the war, she left Poland and lived in Fribourg, Switzerland, and later, until her death, in Rome. She did not want her war memoirs published in her lifetime. After much persuasion, however, she consented to publication in Poland, by Znak Publishing of Kraków, in 2001, just a year before her death. The book, whose British version is titled Those Who Trespass against Us: One Woman's War against the Nazis, sold over 50,000 copies in the Polish original and is now selling well in English. The U.S. edition was published in hardback in Spring 2007 by Da Capo Press (Perseus Publishing Group) under the new title, Michelangelo in Ravensbrück. In 1967 Lanckoronska established the Lanckoronski Foundation, which promotes and supports Polish culture, awarding over a million zlotych per annum (US$330,000) for scholarships, publication of learned books, research into Polish archives in countries such as Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, and similar projects. Countess Karolina Lanckoronska died in 2002, aged 104, and is buried at the Campo Verano.

Sturm, Hanna. Born 28 February 1891, died 9 March 1984, was a labour rights and peace activist who became a resistance activist after Austria was merged into Nazi Germany in 1938. She spent the next few years in German concentration camps, but emerged from Ravensbrück camp on 30 April 1945 having survived. Many did not. She wrote an autobiographical record of her experiences in 1958 but was unable to find a publisher: in 1982, two years before she died, the work was published, however. Austria was merged into Nazi Germany in March 1938 and the repression of known anti-Nazis became more systematic. That same month Sturm was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo. By June 1938 she had been taken to Lichtenburg concentration camp in central Germany, between Leipzig and Berlin. She fell ill but recovered, setting up a small team of "fixers" - the so-called "Sturm column", who made themselves useful by mending broken fixtures in the camp, thereby winning a level of respect from the para-military guards who would let the "Sturm column" into their own parts of the camp in order to effect repairs and, at the same time, steal food.[2] Slightly less than a year later, in May 1939, the concentration camp at Lichtenburg was closed and the women inmates were transferred to Ravensbrück concentration camp, to the north of Berlin. Glimpses afforded by sources suggest Sturm was not broken by the system. There is a reference to her as "the Austrian communist and jack-of-all-trades [who would] teach "students": how to put up fences, bang in nails, and break up locks", and later, slightly unexpectedly, of how she would "hold discussions on Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace...in the back of block 13. ... Students [might] find the book highly repellent since Hanna [had] found the book in the latrine." At Ravensbrück she also continued to operate her "Sturm column" of hands-on fixers and menders. She came to be regarded by the camp authorities as a "reliable prisoner" and was employed in 1941 as a domestic servant by Walter Sonntag, the concentration camp doctor. She would later recall how she had been present while Sonntag beat his wife, too drunk to notice or to care that Sturm was standing by.
"Do you know what they said to me? If it was that bad in the concentration camp where reportedly you were, then you should not have stayed there. How come you stayed? And then one of them said I could have married in Germany. They did not want to hear. I still dream of the camp. I curse the camp. I'm back there almost every day. Actually right now this camp is haunting me. I sleep badly, and if I drop off for five minutes, I'm immediately somewhere back in the camp."
As the war ended, on 30 April 1945 Hanna Sturm emerged badly traumatised from the concentration camp. It would be more than another ten years before her surviving daughter and four grand children would be released from the Soviet Union and the immediate priority was simple survival. She returned to Burgenland. There was no victims' welfare for concentration camp survivors till 1948, and in the early postwar years she suffered material hardship, while as a member of an inconvenient ethnic minority, the Burgenland Croats, she remained something of an outsider as the new Austria, still under foreign military occupation, struggled to emerge from its painful recent history The concentration camp existence lived on in her dreams. But she did not give up. She testified several times at trials of former Ravensbrück camp guards. In Neufeld, her home town, she built a house with her own hands. She had prepared her autobiography by 1958, but it would take another 24 years before she found a publisher for it. In 1984 Hanna Sturm died at her daughter's family home in Zagreb. Bron: Wikipedia.

, Erna. SS-bewaakster. Birthdate: March 18, 1920 Birthplace: Schmakendorf (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, or Berlin-Schmargendorf, Germany) SS Positions: SS-Hilfsaufseherin, SS-Aufseherin SS Entry Location: Ravensbrück Camp Service: Ravensbrück, Ucermark Notes: Tried by a Soviet court in East Berlin during June 1948 (‘Berlin Aufseherinnen trial’) for war crimes at Ravensbrück and the Uckermark extermination camp connected to Ravensbrück; she was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on June 21, 1948 for her mistreatment of camp prisoners.

Zetterman. SS-bewaakster.

Göring, Franz. Geboren 13. Januar 1908 in Schneidemühl; † unbekannt, nach 1959, war als SS-Obersturmbannführer in der Abteilung VI-Wirtschaft T 2 im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) tätig und nach dem Krieg Mitarbeiter in der Organisation Gehlen (OG) und im Bundesnachrichtendienst. Am 20. November 1931 wurde Göring Angehöriger der SA. Sein Eintritt in die NSDAP (Mitgliedsnummer 938.997) erfolgte am 27. Januar 1932. Der Aufstieg in den SA-Führerstand und die sogenannte „Führer-Vereidigung“ auf Adolf Hitler erfolgte am 5. März 1933 als Angehöriger des SA-Sturm 60 in Erfurt. Vom 30. August bis 3. September 1933 nahm er in Nürnberg am Reichsparteitag der NSDAP teil. Einen Lehrgang der Führerschule I der SA absolvierte er in den Monaten April und Mai 1934 in Sondershausen in Thüringen. Göring trat etwas später in den Polizeidienst ein und wurde Mitarbeiter bei der Gestapo, wobei er nach entsprechender Ausbildung später in Schneidemühl als Kriminalkommissar tätig wurde. In dieser Dienststellung hatte er eine enge Beziehung zum Leiter der SD-Außenstelle Ernst-Jochen Schwarzwäller in Schneidemühl, zu dem er freundschaftliche Kontakte pflegte. Die Beförderung zum SA-Obersturmführer erfolgte am 20. April 1936, worauf er anschließend im gleichen Jahr in die SS (SS-Nr. 309.171) übernommen wurde. Danach wechselte er als SS-Obersturmführer in das SD-Hauptamt im RSHA über. Hier war er unter dem SS-Standartenführer Prof. Dr. Robert Schmied im SD-Amt VI-WI (Wirtschaft) in der Abteilung T 2 eingesetzt. Dort wurde er auch als Verbindungsmann zum Reichsminister Hjalmar Schacht tätig. Im Jahre 1942 stieg er zum Abteilungsleiter auf. In der Endphase des Zweiten Weltkriegs beauftragte ihn SS-Brigadeführer Walter Schellenberg mit Sonderaufgaben. Ende 1944 war er Verbindungsoffizier der Gestapo bei der Überführung skandinavischer Häftlinge in ihre Heimat über das KZ Neuengamme in der so genannten Rettungsaktion der Weißen Busse. Am 5. Februar 1945 war er Transportbegleiter eines Zuges mit 1200 Häftlingen aus dem KZ Theresienstadt zur Schweizer Grenze, was auf eine Initiative von Heinrich Himmler hin ausgeführt wurde. Als Hitler von diesem Transport erfuhr, verbot er sofort jede weitere Evakuierungsaktion aus den Konzentrationslagern. Nach Kriegsende betätigte sich Göring zuerst als Handelsvertreter, um dann in die Organisation Gehlen (OG) einzutreten. In Hamburg gehörte er der Dienststelle TON in der Stellbergerstr. 45 an. Seine Hauptaufgabe bestand darin, Agenten in der Volksrepublik Polen zu betreuen. In dieser Tätigkeit trat er unter den Decknamen Wilhelm Thorwald, Dr. Walther, Wilhelm Tobias, Ernst Walther, Helmut Fricke und Claus Thomas auf. Gemeldet war er in Hamburg 33 in der Starstraße 45. Als der BND aus der OG am 1. April 1956 entstand, wurde auch Göring übernommen, der dann im Jahre 1958 die Leitung der Dienststelle in Hamburg übernahm. Zum Jahresende 1957 besuchte ihn dort sein alter Bekannter Ernst Schwarzwäller, ehemaliger SS-Untersturmführer und SD-Außenstellenleiter in Schneidemühl, der seit 1954 als Geheimer Hauptinformator (GHI) des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS) der DDR arbeitete. Schwarzwäller frischte die alte Freundschaft mit Göring sofort wieder auf und gewann dessen Vertrauen. In Görings Abwesenheit konnte Schwarzwäller geheime Unterlagen des BND einsehen und entwenden. Darunter befanden sich u. a. Angaben zur Anwerbung eines polnischen Offiziers durch den BND. 1959 musste sich Schwärzwäller in die DDR absetzen, da er vom BND beobachtet wurde. Das Absetzmanöver bekam den Namen Aktion Herrmann. Am 4. April 1959 besuchte Schwarzwäller noch einmal Göring unter einem Vorwand in dessen Hamburger Privatwohnung. Bei dieser Gelegenheit entwendete er alle verfügbaren Akten und eine Stahlkassette und fuhr damit in die DDR. Er hinterließ einen Brief, in dem er anbot, Göring alle Unterlagen nach einer gründlichen Aussprache zurückzugeben. Göring durchschaute sofort das Anwerbemanöver des MfS. Im Sommer 1959 trat Schwarzwäller bei einer Pressekonferenz des DDR-Presseamtes auf, stellte sich als Überläufer vor und sagte u. a.: „Ich bin Herrn Göring heute sehr dankbar, dass er mir die Möglichkeit gegeben hat, die in seiner Dienststelle befindlichen Unterlagen als Beweise meines ehrlichen Willens, dem deutschen Volke zu helfen, hierher zu bringen“. Einige der gestohlenen Dokumente veröffentlichte Julius Mader 1960 in seinem Buch Die graue Hand. In der als Mikroform existierenden Personalakte des BND datiert der letzte Bearbeitungsvermerk vom 5. August 1976. Ein Sterbedatum oder Sterbeort ist nicht vermerkt. Bron: Wikipedia.
